Sometimes yarns are just kinda scratchy or rough to work with? Is this what you mean? Or is it more of a "k5 together" a hundred times in a row kind of pain? Sorry, trying to think of the things that made my fingers hurt. A lot of tight work on the tips of sharp needles?
i think its because ive had too high tension, but when i try to pull off L to R i always have to use my hands/fingers to help move the loop bc its so tight.
Ok, yeah. Metal needles slide way easier than wood or plastic, & I personally find sharp tips help. I am a tight knitter, but not so tight that I have a lot of trouble moving a finished stitch. Once you feel confident, I learned tons from practicing with different tensions that feel unnatural.
I think you may need a little less tension as you knit. It comes with experience but can also be a combination of the type of needle and yarn. For a yarn with a lot of “texture” metal needles make it easier to move stitches along the needle. For slippery yarn, wood helps. Make sense?