pulling viciously on his arm. [Crit: 20 damage total between the wolves]
"GET OFF OF ME!" he shouted, and a manifestation of water shot up from underneath one of the wolves, [failed reflex save = 7 damage] blasting it with hot water.
"GET OFF OF ME!" he shouted, and a manifestation of water shot up from underneath one of the wolves, [failed reflex save = 7 damage] blasting it with hot water.
[Cure Light Wounds: 10 HP]
Fortunately, their new ally lightens the load. She ignores the relief that brings in, focusing instead on her
In her unrecognized worry, she manifests an Adrenaline Burst, building her strength just as the blow lands.
[AC 15: 29 (Crit), 16 slashing, 12 fire]
The strength of her blow knocks the wolf aside and fills the air with the scent of charred fur
She'll wager the wolves will not make that mistake again; she faces the other that had torn him down and readies to defend herself.
Both of her retaliatory strikes missed the flank of the wolf, and her