I don’t mean to make this a bigger deal than it is because posting’s a contact sport, nobody makes me post, and I’m sure I’ve done it dozens of times, but it’s kind of annoying when I make the mistake of showing a little sincerity on here and people are like “time to stunt on this fool.”
1. You're probably making up the tone they're speaking with yourself.
2. Text based discourse is not enough information or space to make your point.
3. Ignoring them is happier than engaging.
> get told to get back to Mr. Davidsbury's class and that they are having lunch with the vice principal
> idk I don't really know how to make green text memes
> anyway get back to class, I don't see a hall pass
> post on bsky (4chan for hall monitors)
> don't have a bathroom pass
> get sent back to class
> piss myself in Ms. Samuels' 4th period Math
> I'msofuckingtired
> at least this isn't real 4chan
> won't get called slurs
> bikecomic.jpg