2025 Resolutions:
Last year i didnt do a whole lot, yeah i went to the gym and Twitch-Con EU but besides that i didnt do a big summer vacation or went to something special..
Well this year i have some more goals
Last year i didnt do a whole lot, yeah i went to the gym and Twitch-Con EU but besides that i didnt do a big summer vacation or went to something special..
Well this year i have some more goals
I do a lot of stuff on my own. Movies, lunch in the city, vacations sorta (did small group travels but without friends i already know). This year i want to do more solo trips/activites
Already booked a Gladiator in Concert and possibly Ado Concert
So i plan to do atleast 1 activity by myself a month. This month (January) either solo bowling or a solo dinner date.
Right now i feel good in my skin and look good aswell (dont swoon when you see the pic XD ). Just want to lose a few kg's this year and stay close to the weight.
And get stronger, got a goal to press 32kg Kettlebell above my head.
I like reading, read 13 books last year. Want to read the same or more this year but also more from the library to save money.
And try to draw more, i have so many drawing idea's but not the skill to do it. So i want to get better at drawing by drawing 2-3 times a week.
Will i reach them all? No clue, but i'm gonna try my best and even if i only get half of them it will be more progress than last year!