Emptying the Notebook: Time for the Lobos to remember they're supposed to be the bullies now...
Donovan can't do it alone, though he (and Jovan) certainly tried... Amzil back... SDSU beat Lobos at their own (fast break) game... and more. https://www.abqjournal.com/sports/article_ed1e79da-f44b-11ef-8a19-3b41c37d6b90.html
Donovan can't do it alone, though he (and Jovan) certainly tried... Amzil back... SDSU beat Lobos at their own (fast break) game... and more. https://www.abqjournal.com/sports/article_ed1e79da-f44b-11ef-8a19-3b41c37d6b90.html
Also, are we positive Nelly didn’t grease his hands before the game last night 🤔
We need Jordan & Bill Murray to find the Monstar that took Tru’s powers