It makes me want to scream at them to go read T.H. White’s “The Once and Future King” (as well as a Bible). Lots of discussion in that book about how it should be “might FOR right” as opposed to IS.
Seems big corporations kept prices high after the pandemic because too many of them are greedy and didn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. They want to make the tyrant look good who will surely cut their taxes. Textbook greed
Sadly they don’t teach history & civics as much now thanks to the GOP & kids also think it’s boring. The older generation is aging so if the kids don’t learn it, the memories die & kids are oblivious.
It's change.
That's their fear. Everything in this country has been lily white for long that's what white folks expect.
Anyone other than white gets elected, gets a role that's traditionally been white only, anything..they lose their shit. Most of them can't handle change.
“I began to get a feeling familiar to me from my bartending days of being the only sane man in a nuthouse. It doesn't make you feel superior but depressed and scared, bc there is nobody you can contact.” Burroughs
They say "DT tells it like it is" and we're crazy to say "wth are you talking about?"
That's their fear. Everything in this country has been lily white for long that's what white folks expect.
Anyone other than white gets elected, gets a role that's traditionally been white only, anything..they lose their shit. Most of them can't handle change.
They say "DT tells it like it is" and we're crazy to say "wth are you talking about?"
Your voice is needed.
Thank you. 🐟