American Police are also shocked and refuse to comply with unlawful orders.
Judges are also ruling against von shitzinpants and his criminal cronies in courts, but von shitzinpants and his criminal cronies are saying they will ignore any rulings they do not like.
Judges are also ruling against von shitzinpants and his criminal cronies in courts, but von shitzinpants and his criminal cronies are saying they will ignore any rulings they do not like.
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If it comes down to it, we free democratic Americans will be there for our Canadian brothers and sisters and we will fight against any illegal invasion of your great nation, our true friend and ally.
This is worse.
Much worse.
1776 America refused the whims of a king.
2025 von shitzinpants is declaring himself king
American Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Air Persons, and Coast Guard swore an Oath to defend the Constitution.
Dereliction of Duty I see.
Von shitzinpants is constantly being overruled by the Courts and soon will be backed by SCOTUS as they'll remind him he is bound by the Constitution.