It's great for old things but these barriers are directly inhibiting progress. The journals are predatory to scientists trying to just earn a living and then blocking information from everyone else
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been researching an episode and came up against a paywalled document. It just makes us all miss important information so a few can stuff their pockets
Yeah my post doc advisor was the editor in chief of an Elsivier journal, said it earned $4M per year. This would be $4M from academic libraries and NIH grant overhead. We could dump Elsivier and just put everything into open access PLOS journals and science would not notice.
The primary reason why I deleted Twitter, stopped using insta, etc. was so I would basically only be on here and I've done well to follow almost only scientists. Some of my favorite follows are just phd students trying to share things. Capitalism has necessitated bottlenecks of information
(no negativity to OP intended)