Umm, lets get ONE THING RIGHT. *THE* conservative party is the Democratic party. Anything right of them is populist, reactionary or fascist. They *SHOULD* be excluded from government. But they haven't been. The democratic party hand held and coddled them the entire way to where we are now. 1/
1. Favoring traditional values and values, opposing change
2. Traditional or restrained in style.
3. Moderate, cautious.
All three apply to the democratic party. 2/
1. Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
2. Being, causing, or favoring reaction.
3. Opposed to change; *urging return to a previous state*
This defines most of the Republican party to a T. 3/
Trump - authoritarian populist (ie fascist)
Elon - fascist
McConnel - authoritarian reactionary