A man with a job to do......... lol. Love it. My lab & German shepherd used to walk side by side with the same type of gigantic stick shared but while I'd see a tug to the left or right so one was always trying to take it from the other. Hilarious. They both dove in water doing this too. LOL
I can't speak for any other guy-person, but I'm incapable of walking past a "really good looking stick" and not picking it up. With my hands, not my mouth, because I'm a human, not a dog. Which is how I'm able to type this.
He had plans for that stick. You can see at that point it was vitally important above all else. You have to respect that level of dedication and stick-to-itiveness.
When I was on a walk with my childhood dog, she found a log. Not a super long one, but a log nonetheless. She carried that log a whole mile, all the way back home and insisted "We're keeping this."
We kept that log many years, until we moved out of that house. We couldn't bring everything with us.
He’d get on so well with Pippa, who carried this monstrosity 30 minutes until home…the proceeded to convert it into 8 smaller sticks so she could stash them in her crate.
I love seeing good dogs carrying massive sticks! There's a dog on my road who always brings a good stick home from his walks. I give him an impressed nod if I see him carrying a particularly mighty one 🐶
Clearly, Brooks understands that when life gives you a giant stick, you commit. 14/10 for determination, 15/10 if he tries to fit it through the front door.
i saw a small floofeh dog that tried the same thing the other day. he was also very excited to see me and tried to jump into my arms. sans stick thankfully. but then he went right back to carry it proudly
Brooks' unwavering dedication to his giant stick definitely earns him a rating of 15/10, as anything less would be an understatement of his obvious greatness.
Omg I love Brooks , he is a sweetheart. I love him whatever his name but especially as Brooks was my maiden name . So he is a cool dog . And if I get a boy dog next he will definitely be called Brooks I love it 🐾
Had a guy like that previously
Funny as all get out until he ran by you and kneecapped you
Love sticks.
We kept that log many years, until we moved out of that house. We couldn't bring everything with us.
14/10 effort
Brooks is a very talented stick hauler with a discerning eye for only the best sticks. 👍🏽 #respect
I mean, I'd be up to Brooks taking me anywhere he wants to go.
Brooks-shaming in 2025... unbelievable!
i find his commitment to his job as nobel, honorable, admirable & noseboop-worthy
“This is Brooks. He found a giant stick on his walk and stubbornly carried it all the way home”
Good Boy Brooks
-- Teddy Roosevelt's dogs: Sailor Boy, Jack, Skip, & Pete.
or would say but can’t because
of that giant stick