Even as a as a girl Dad( Mydaughter is now a adult with kids of her own, but once a dad always a Dad) I still hear the put down s of women every day. (no WOMAN is ever going to...)
I remember years back before covid, met a group of nice ladies as I walked the dog and one of them said the dog is almost as good looking and cute as the owner. *Swoosh* it went over my head and I like to make myself sad thinking about it. Never been good with people.
I do get along with people, just got severe fear of social situations and anxiety so I try to avoid people as much as I can 😂👍 and no, im not happy but not many years to suffer left.
So true! I still remember a girl from 7th grade wanting to walk with me because I am a nice person. She did not even mean it as a compliment, but its something I cherish to this day!!
Remember to hydrate!
And why are you not happy and think you doing have many years left? Are you like 97 or suffering from a terminal illness?