I had a classmate who partway through a group project admitted that he didn't know how to use git or github, and would manually commit by copying and pasting from the IDE. Would have been fine in an intro class, but this was Prog 3 😳
Do you use codespaces, too? I get writing code, but I'm wondering how you do the rest (running tools, tests, debugging). Or maybe I'm missing something.
I do this all the time but not for actual development. If I’m doing a 5 line PR for an open source project hell yes I’m going to fork and edit in browser. (Also I think OP was not being serious)
> Friday, 4:55 pm
> Commit Message : No explanation needed
> Commit straight Main
> Bypass rules and commit changes
> Close laptop
> Put feet up
> Crack open a beer
> Text Gregg
i maintain a sublime text syntax plugin for a programming language, every time i have an update i cant be bothered with git so i copy the contents into the github editor and submit a PR
btw thanks for existing i was looking up for tech people and ur the first one i've found
> Commit Message : No explanation needed
> Commit straight Main
> Bypass rules and commit changes
> Close laptop
> Put feet up
> Crack open a beer
> Text Gregg