...what? you back a fucking truck in because they have huge blind spots in the rear and it's safer/more responsible to exit the spot with unimpeded visibility, particularly in tight and crowded lots. this is job site 101 shit
the fuckin shit people say on this app sometimes lmao
This is very much a US thing I don't get. Is it because you drive on the funny side of the road? It's always much easier to pull out if you reverse in. Only time I don't do it is when doing the weekly shop and need access to the boot (trunk)
Those who do it are usually manly men with an affinity for all things military (common practice for quick getaways in a Hummer).
But this is the real world, so....?
I'm right there on the hill with you. So sick of people who can't drive their big trucks and SUVs well. I'm in a little Toyota Yaris and constantly having to move over because these people straddle the middle line.
If I see someone parking over the line but it’s far from other cars, I don’t care. It’s when they could potentially damage other cars that I think it’s a problem.
Bonus votes if they promise to do something about blinding headlights. No one needs more than two headlights, and they need to be pointed correctly or not as bright. And stop with the bright lights used with oncoming traffic or when streetlights are present.
I f^!king hate these people. I grew up in a more rural area where they were everywhere and when they went into the city they were the same AHs. Try getting out of a parking garage when there's oversized trucks behind you and oversized SUVs on both sides.
the fuckin shit people say on this app sometimes lmao
But this is the real world, so....?
"Y'all are always buying these big ass trucks that y'all can't drive.", comes out of my mouth almost daily!
If I see someone parking over the line but it’s far from other cars, I don’t care. It’s when they could potentially damage other cars that I think it’s a problem.
Same for big ass SUVs.
Compensation for... Inadequacies.
Also super annoying when they take forever to back into a space.