I met some comrades from the Canadian section at a 2023 Labor Day march, and I knew immediately that I was dealing with some serious folks; they welcomed me to march with them, they had the latest copies of their paper on-hand to sell, and they took my contact information on the spot!
A couple of weeks later I was regularly attending weekly meeting, joining my comrades at interventions and protests, and constantly challenged to raise my political level.
I never saw myself as a leader, but at times like this we can't all just sit-back and wait for someone else to lead the way!
In 2024, with the aid of my comrades, I coordinated two day-school events in my area. I know that my work had led to growth within the party, but it's really only the beginning. We have a lot of work to do to grow into the organization that the working-class needs.
What can YOU do, to be a part of the permanent revolution? You should start by getting organized with your local section of the Revolutionary Communist International! We are not out-numbered, we are merely out-organized, and that is a soluble solution!
I never saw myself as a leader, but at times like this we can't all just sit-back and wait for someone else to lead the way!