Consider this: what kind of young law school graduate would want to become an Assistant U.S. Attorney in this Justice Dep’t? Will smart, hard working, ethical young lawyers want to join?
Probably not.
What impact will that have, over time, on the quality of justice? Significant.
Probably not.
What impact will that have, over time, on the quality of justice? Significant.
Young lawyers I talk to are looking for other options, conservatives included
Sure, some are not buying it. But people will continue to toe the party line.
There are plenty that will fill roles.
The point is, this stupid argument that there is enough opposition to stop him is getting old. He had the votes. He’s filling all the roles. He’s cleaning out everyone else.
I’m not saying there will be zero applicants for DOJ jobs, but there will be fewer and they will be weaker candidates, capability-wise. The DOJ will become less effective at law enforcement
Any one who believes that this administration wants the laws enforced impartially simply is not paying attention.
But you’re right: the legal landscape will change enormously.
So hey, for some, it can light a fire within
There cannot be a more shameful group of justices than Roberts + other 5 GOP +cannon. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Pretty much everyone in the Federalist Society
You also have no justice system, let alone an independent one.
You have fascist goons and corrupt judges actively perpetuating slavery.
Make Law Schools Great Again!
There needs to be some improvement with the ethical standards. It should be a requirement for accreditation that law schools teach that the unitary executive is wrong, that religious morals don't apply in law, etc.
. . .
But I digress since that’s not the question. Why would any attorney want to be a prosecutor? Look at Greg Abbott pardoning that murderer. What’s the point if the defendant is politically connected
Thank goodness you are not a judge! This is exactly the reason to clean house, follow the law not your heart.
Because I see a whole lot of Liberty U educated lawyers applying 😂
apparently he/they are already only hiring MAGA
~12 hours later 75 million other people agreed, for the opposite reason.
This outweighs the trial of Penn and Mead, which I argue seeded this country.
(Full disclosure, I haven't read it b/c of the paywall. I'm relying on commentary here so take me with a huge grain of salt.)
Back from his first term (if we overlook Clarence from the 80s) 😒