Last night I had a total melt down about this week.
I’m cautions about how I take in news, I avoid doom scrolling, and am a practiced activist. I stay engaged.
Yet I still fell apart. I know these moments will happen.
You can not stay plugged in to the BS all the time.
I’m cautions about how I take in news, I avoid doom scrolling, and am a practiced activist. I stay engaged.
Yet I still fell apart. I know these moments will happen.
You can not stay plugged in to the BS all the time.
Rest. Read state constitution. Share later.
Sending you love and strength!
We cannot fight back if we are drowning in depression.
Tomorrow is another day. We get up and fight.
Hugs 🫂
Although these days the facade is breaking apart and I’m lashing out. In my defense they deserve it; people who laugh at suffering, especially directed at my loved ones, will incur such a fate.