I know entirely too many people who completely missed that context. "We destabilize and destroy everything we touch." No, White Supremacy and Capitalism destabilizes and destroys everything it touches. Fascism is a death cult, its solution to all problems is to wantonly embrace annihilation.
This is only "all humans" if the only way people can live is according to the doctrines of empire, through exploitation and extraction. Believing this erases the thousands of peoples and cultures that do not live this way. It only serves to accelerate the death drive (which helps fascism) or—
encourages people to stop trying to be better (which helps fascism). Step back while thinking about that to remember how much fascist ideology is predicated on inevitability or intrinsic nature or "it has always been this way and always will be," going so far as to manufacture consensus for it.
There is a good deal of this same kind of rhetoric in what are ostensibly leftist spaces when it comes to things like ecology, global warming, and dieting, especially the crossover between leftism and raw/paleo diets.
It’s interesting how the media dropped reporting on Thunberg’s climate activism when it pivoted to pointing the blame at capital and extractive industry.
It’s interesting how history books stopped covering MLK Jr.’s activism as he started the Poor Peoples’ Campaign and never covered Malcom X the way they did him.
@caribou.monster Please join the real ‘Poor Peoples Campaign’ they just landed their Domain on Bsky! I am thrilled! Look for https://Californiappc.bsky.social
My past Director (retired) from the Union we worked for is now the Director of all of California PPC & I pushed for them to join bsky. Plz repost.
1) Yes, they're called fascists.
2) That's not actually what I'm referring to here. There's a lot of people who do rightly identify he needs to be stopped, but they listen to his speech about how humans are awful and destructive and then agree with it. Because fascism is alluring, by design. —
They see the pain in the world, climate collapse, ecological disaster, war unending, and then accept the answer he provides that humans will inevitably do this. The layer that's missed, the Matrix is a system of control, and all its agents will further that control. Humans are not inherently cruel,—
they do not go out of their way, from birth, to find out all the ways they can maximally control and exploit. They have to be taught to do that by the same system they were born to be fodder for. That's both textually true of the Matrix and abstractly true about Capitalism. —
There's a reason "ecofash" is a thing.
My past Director (retired) from the Union we worked for is now the Director of all of California PPC & I pushed for them to join bsky. Plz repost.
2) That's not actually what I'm referring to here. There's a lot of people who do rightly identify he needs to be stopped, but they listen to his speech about how humans are awful and destructive and then agree with it. Because fascism is alluring, by design. —
The system that doesn't seek equilibrium, the virus that sweeps through its environment and devours everything, that's not humans, it's Capitalism.
And that's what people get wrong.