Fredric Douglas was from Talbot County Maryland and Harriet Tubman was from Dorchester Country Maryland. Two amazing people who were born into adversity and kept fighting for others despite their personal struggles. Please visit the Underground Railroad Park if you can.
"lotta per il progresso " valeva in passato
oggi la "lotta" la fanno per eliminare il progresso ottenuto e cancellare le lotte per esso passate.
I left the dogma behind me a long time ago. God was still waiting for me with open arms. And He smiled when I told Him I was tired of the nonsense. I wanted to skip the meaningless religious jargon to have meaningful conversations with just Him from here on out. And He said, "Of course."
Beautiful. A fellow poet. I applied your principle to my vote. I voted for the right man & not the wrong choice. I voted for us. I voted to solve our problems. No one else followed my example. I cannot be responsible for their choices. I chose what was best for all of us. Now I am blamed. I am free.
"A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box."
oggi la "lotta" la fanno per eliminare il progresso ottenuto e cancellare le lotte per esso passate.
devises of leverage
consume your agency
emerging smoke
denotes throws
converged or not
when i was a child
i was told that i was broken
and so i sought for God
i sought for God
in religion
i sought for God
in doctrine
i sought for God
in practice
i sought for God
in devotion
and i reaped a storm of torment
a world of strife
and a whirlwind of doubt
so i left the torturous noise behind
so i could be in the quiet
i no longer sought for God
and in the stillness, my heart spoke
and i found GodΒ in me