We still have the thing that will turn the game on its head, we don’t know what that is yet. Charlotte has only done what a good traitor should do. I’d like to see Freddie do this but I really don’t mind if it’s Charlotte either or the Faithfuls who ultimately win.
In her defence she had no way to know that Minah hadn't been screwing the other Traitors over, but if she'd gone with Freddie or Alexander at the Round Table it'd have been a whole other story. But I don't think Freddie is as naive as she thinks he is.
I hope he isn't. He knows she stabbed Minah in the back so hopefully he'll think about what that means for him. The issue is going to be that quite a few people already suspect him, while Charlotte has flown under the radar
He must know that she's picked him because he's the easy sacrifice to guarantee her a place in the final. It's just a shame they were kind of forced to have another Traitor recruitment right before the final again.
Yeah, I'm enjoying her playing an evil, evil game but I also really don't want her to win. I'd be quite happy if Alexander, Frankie and Jake walk away with the money
Recruiting Freddie to take the heat for a botched murder shows she was always meant to be a traitor. What a move. Hope she wins, she's played it beautifully.
Charlotte screwed up pushing to kill Leanne. When Leanne announces that she had the shield and who she had told about it, then Freddie will realise he's been set up. He'll go for Charlotte so even if he gets voted off at the round table she'll be outed as a traitor.
Don’t get how she’s a dirty dog. She didn’t go around spreading her fellow traitors name. Other people did it for her. And most ppl would assume 4 female traitors out one at least had to be male. And Freddie got targeted the most out of the guys at the table . She’s just smart and playing correctly
Also, she needs the money to have a baby, so I‘m absolutely hoping she wins 😈
She could have done that with Minah.
Minah deserved to win.
Now supporting the Faithful #TraitorsUK
Also on team Alexander now