For at least the next two years, the pendulum will swing back toward a less compassionate, less tolerant, and more self-interested philosophy of governance.
It’ll suck.
But it’ll swing back.
It’ll suck.
But it’ll swing back.
California (the world's 4th largest economy) can survive without "charity states" (Hey, Mississippi!)... The obverse is not true.
At least that’s my theory. 🤷♀️
Time for blue states
To look after itself
I think the speed of change (in our lives) is a big factor.
I’d argue that the difference (in the way people live) between 1600 and 1700 is minor compared to the difference between 1900 and 2000
I’m not sure it’s optimism as much as it is being a history geek.
This sucks. And it will suck more. But the Republic has survived worse.
Keep your head up as we traverse through the slime. Every sewer has an end.
It’s dawning, Iain!!! Any day now!