When my kids were in HS I used to worry that once they got older, I wouldn’t understand what kids were saying anymore or be up to date on new trends. Now that they’re in their mid/late 20s, I find I don’t give a singular f*ck.
Me asking my son what certain slang means and he has no clue 😂 apparently the theatre kids don't use the same slang as the non-theatre kids in our area 🤷
Seriously though, that would be super interesting.
And it would take into account which generation you originate from and/or which lingo you're already familiar with.
It’s a fun way to keep up with the lingo and avoid feeling lowkey left out! Maybe the course could even teach you how to sound “drip” while keeping it “lit!
And it would take into account which generation you originate from and/or which lingo you're already familiar with.