My baby girl is a chonk and currently has me in a cat trap. I feel like on the morning of New Year's Eve I should be more productive but then I realize there's not a better way to start the day.
Oh my gosh, for the first time ever last night, both my cats slept with me! Neither one on me, but one on each side, and it was very hot! I did not sleep well. Because of course I did not want to disturb them. 😹
My dog thinks he's a cat and curls up on my pillow beside me. He's 70lbs, and yet he fits. Add that to the bigger dog by my legs and I'm snug as a bug in a rug.
Waking up to go pee at 3am, however, is a squish and slide affair out the top of the blankets 🤪
Yes, Levi is huge and a chonk. Riley fights for space. But they get along well, most of the time. Levi just sits on her if she’s winning a wrestling match.
Allergies.. or?
Worse when he lays across the neck.
Waking up to go pee at 3am, however, is a squish and slide affair out the top of the blankets 🤪