It was ALWAYS leading to this: Nationalism, a return to open and legal discrimination, back to open practicing of religion in PUBLIC SCHOOLS and events, salvos agains gay ANYTHING, and the magas were getting more and more nasty and aggressive since the Tea Party nonsense.
Probably playing since Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Went up a couple notches when Social Security bill was passed under the New Deal is 1935, again during Civil Rights era, again at Obama’s election, now we’re here.
Also - hey racist Southerners YOU LOST THE CIVIL WAR. Get over it.
Rewatched "V for Vendetta" the other day and the premise tracks our timeline closely. Viral outbreaks, US Civil War, dictatorships across the Atlantic...
Yep. Everyone on the edge of their seats, the end of their ropes, wondering what is going to happen next. Don't want to watch but can't look away. Nervous system spastic from the chaos of the situation.Sometimes wanting to go hide, other times rising up to fight back. Right where they want us. 😱
Yes, we’re leading up to the “knifey” part of the “Psycho” score. When we hear the SHRIEK SHRIEK SHRIEK part, we’ll know that Trump has finally stabbed democracy to death and its last life’s blood is swirling down the drain.
Maybe this one has a twist though. Like those movies where you’re like “WHAT!? He’s not dead!?” and then the stabber guy gets his? I’m rooting for that.
I think we're in the final stage of KGB Putin's long term plan “a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare.”
It kind of makes sense when you realize the soundtrack of act three is nothing but screams, explosions and a raging inferno of fire that is everywhere! 😬🔥😵
They're sending people to guantanamo for having expired visas; we're solidly into the chugging on E sequence, which might not be a thing, but should be a thing.
I can’t disagree. It has been playing and quite loudly since Obama won election; however, Reagan was the modern choral leader for this choir. Trump is merely his inheritor, and the man who will be there for the inevitable pressure cooker explosion. How so like Reagan to leave before the end.
I feel like a climax is coming. Not the kind I usually prefer but it might still be euphoric nonetheless. Time to get on with it anyway. Ten years is mighty long foreplay.
The "rising tension" score from Titanic is on loop, building and building as we're waiting for the inevitable iceberg to hit. Honestly, at this point, we’re all just looking for the brass section to go full dramatic, and the band to start playing Nearer My God to Thee as the whole thing sinks. 😂
It's wasn't as bad as this. Then, we just expected a bomb to drop & take us all out. This time, we wait with a president who has the temperament of a toddler. Extremist religious nuts who have infiltrated our government. And tech bros who have decided they want to run the country.
He’s a conman. Like that comic I saw the other day on here of a sly fox campaigning to a herd of sheep that he was changing his ways by becoming a vegetarian once elected. I mean Pap Finn has talked himself into office. It’s sad.
What's sad is the idiots that follow him. It's pitiful to see people be WILLFULLY ignorant and deliberately voting against their own best interests. I've heard some are getting "buyer's remorse" but ... it's too late ... and we have to suffer along with them.
Actually several decades. Since Newt Gingrich took control of the Republican Party and Fox Propaganda became a cash machine for the Murdoch family. Deadly combination.
They're called dissonant chords, and yes, they're in that annoying "stuck in a loop". Sometimes the only way to fix is to unplug the machine and wait 4 years before rebooting.
My response was, “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”
9 LOLs!
You should use made old lady laugh for one of your five bullet points of things you accomplished this week.
It's damn Walt Disney all over again. The ducklings are swimming through the water and you get a close up of the giant catfish...
Damn I hated that ominous music!!!
Also - hey racist Southerners YOU LOST THE CIVIL WAR. Get over it.
Rewatched "V for Vendetta" the other day and the premise tracks our timeline closely. Viral outbreaks, US Civil War, dictatorships across the Atlantic...
#Boom #Bang
We’re just…about…there.
My kid was watching and I couldn’t understand why I was so dam tense
This isn't working...
This - the threat is our own government. This is far worse.
Reminds me of that old urban myth about the killer calling the babysitter from inside the house & the operator tells babysitter to get out.
The violins!!! Make them stop!!!’
9 LOLs!
You should use made old lady laugh for one of your five bullet points of things you accomplished this week.
Damn I hated that ominous music!!!