Also never forget that everyone around Trump - including Elon Musk - can be investigated, indicted, convicted, & sent to prison for their crimes by state AGs.
California can & should investigate Elon Musk.
Only if they stop playing with the old rules. fRump and company have started playing a game called Project 2025. If we don’t want that, then encourage the elected officials that have a shred of integrity to take over. The Justice system, laws we have used to govern no longer can be relied on.
White voters chose Trump last time and we got this Supreme Court. White people voted for Trump again and he'll use that Supreme Court to do what he wants.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett-expected to vote conservatively?-seems(recently)to be informed by principle;in the application of the law of the land⚖️
Independent judicial thought at this (VERY Conservative?court-being realistic)will hopefully survive to mitigate any excess🗽
They are proud of it. That’s what they want. You might as well have a parade for them.
Republicans are inhuman and immoral. And those are their best traits.
Several of them are part of the ultra right-wing extremist Catholic sect known as Opus Dei. A few others are part of a political/religious belief system known as Dominionists.
This needs to be how every [enlightened] media outlet reports on trump's OBVIOUS and currently SUCCESSFUL attempt at IGNORING [GROCERY] PRICES!
Thomas is corrupt and disgraceful to his colleagues, court and country. That said, calling him an “Uncle Tom” is below the belt in my opinion, though I understand the intense feelings. But we have to be careful not to sink to unacceptable levels.
Uncle Tom-A Black person who is overeager to win the approval of whites (as by obsequious behavior or uncritical acceptance of white values and goals) A person who is overly subservient to or cooperative with authority. Uncle Tom fits Thomas based on the definition. Not below the belt.....truth
The next US Dem president, and I am hopeful this will happen in 2029, need to pack the court and get a strong AG. I blame Merrick for most of our distress now and McConnell who could have impeached Trump.
These six fricken corrupted POS,
who don't belong being judges!
All six of them must
be impeached by &
fired from their jobs!
They're supposed to represent SCOTUS'
noble & respected members;
but, instead they
chose to smear their positions w/stinky💩, as the dog-turds
they all are!
Eject all six!💡
They consider themSelves strong when we die and even in large #s from the hard decisions and actions they take. But don't consider us to be an equal human being to them. You that all the shit we wish upon them is completely expected and justified. OUR economy will be devastated.
They're taking everything. The food from our mouths. The few dollars we have. Everything. They must have some idea what we're going to do to them WHEN we get our hands on them. Some clue, I'm sure. They must be scared to Fucking death.✊️💙👫👭👫👨👩👧👨👩👧👨👩👦🧑🤝🧑👫!!
Beer Kavanaugh, Anti-Choicey Barrett, Uncle Tom, Gorsucks, and the other two zealots can go straight to hell. They are as corrupt as the Tangerine twat. They deserve no respect at all
Yes, unfortunately they granted him immunity from official presidential acts (whatever the hell that is); however, they did not grant him unlimited political power - he’s taken that by himself!
Each Federalist Justices put there by the GOP. > had: serious criminal accusations levied against them & unqualified by experience/education/bias. USA's deterioration has been at the hands of the mega wealthy GOP who knowing TRUMP was/is an unqualified greed-driven egoist greased him into the WH.
Change it to 35 Roberts has lowered it to worthless leve. You know
what I can't get over is Change mr I like beer, I drank a lot of hard alcohol in my ear
early 20s but I never never no I would never stick a alcohol
Bottle up on down my ass he's
he's a fucking Supreme Court Justice
Never forget that they are there because progressives don't vote pragmatically. They have some specific thing that they just can't stomach about a Dem candidate or just "aren't excited" about a candidate. Never forget it is because progressives just don't vote reliability for Dem candidates.
You’re absolutely correct on this. They handed over a lawless character the right to destroy our democracy, rule of laws, and Constitution of US. They’ve stolen this from our kids, grandchildren for generations to come!
I’ll give Trump this, he has strategically been putting all of his people in places for the last 4 years to pull off the biggest coup in history. It’s working and he did it right before our eyes. It’s unbelievable!
Superbowl halftime show viewership declined 6.2% this year with a viewership of 113 million in 2025, compared to 120 million in 2024. The game's viewership was down 5%.
This is the worst Supreme Court in US history. Giving immunity from prosecution when carrying out “official acts” to any President is an invitation to autocracy. The President has far too much power to begin with and this just makes illegal acts legal. WTF!
Not even polio could put the guy down. Ironically, as much as I can stand him, he's the only outspoken republican. Absolutely bonkers world we live in.
I meant cant* stand him, I'm aware. McConnell essentially fucked us all and now that he has practically no power he's fighting his party but it's too late. Fuck him.
100% But it scares me to think people may not recognize where evil controlling interest really lies. It's within Republican party itself. If we don't recognize the danger we will be lulled back into being oblivious. Even Cheney & Kinzinger voted against J Lewis Voting Rights Act & voted with 🍊💩 90%!
My mother said that if I didn't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all. This is me not saying something very loudly. Take from that what you will.
Judges should never be political appointees.
Judges are meant to apply the law as laid down by Governments.
This SCOTUS is rewriting the Constitution of the United States. They have said that the POTUS is ABOVE any laws or Constitution.
This itself is unconstitutional.
I would love to be a neighbor to the alitos so I could put up Pride banners everywhere, hell for fun I would paint my house in Pride colors. Even better would be to buy up the property all around their house and have a Pride neighborhood!
Well said. I touch on that in this thing I created tonight. I fear your creation will be more and more important as time goes by with this new administration. 😞
I will never forget. I think of them as the Mad King makers. They will go down in history as The biggest loser Court in history. If there is a history still after this administration.
Please also include: the Federalist Society, the Project 2025 authors , the extreme ChristoFascists, the voters who never researched Trump’s lies and took him at his word.
The billionaires who value their money and corresponding influence, over all else.
Those who value party over country.
Doesn't Gorsuch look so much more possessing of gravitas when he's not spitting all over the room and throwing a hysterical hissy fit because no-one will let him have his simple dues as a white man with the right education; consequence-free sexual assault and HIS seat on the Supreme Court.
Jeras, we don't need to become religious like these justices to save our souls for heaven after we die because Republicans are creating HELL on earth !
The 5 "conservative" Supreme court justices and 1 handmaid cult member voted for PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, making Presidents into KINGS, who can never be prosecuted
I posted a news story about Trump giving a pardon to former Democrat Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted on several federal charges of corruption and fraud. Surprisingly, I've not had any comments full of excuses and butwhataboutisms from Trump's uneducated base.
To the Justices who provided Trump with a get out of jail free card “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight o Lord my strength & my redeemer” Psalms of David!
since these douchebags have made millions of women suffer it's only fair that each and everyone of them suffer personally going forward any and every day in any and every way
I get the point, and I'm not disagreeing with it, but before they had anything to do with it, American voters gave him permission. Americans did this to America.
Let's see if these 6 will give Trump the power to override any promulgated laws enacted by Congress or defy any lawful court decisions. If they do, then we know we're in deep shit!
The most corrupt SCOTUS ever to have been formed. Lots of others were people with no integrity or ethics or moral values but the unchecked corruption on this court from some of the justices (and I use that word loosely) defies logic. The rest of the six are the former with a criminal thrown in.
Serious question: who? What oversight is responsible for putting a stop to this blatant fraud and theft. There has to be an entity that can take action.
You forgot to include RBG. She should’ve stepped down first year of Obama’s term to give him a lane to appoint some sober minded and durable replacement, but she was too busy doing magazine photo shoots about her fitness routine to give a shit about the future of the country.
California can & should investigate Elon Musk.
Independent judicial thought at this (VERY Conservative?court-being realistic)will hopefully survive to mitigate any excess🗽
Fingers crossed Your Honour👩🏼🎓
Not a SCOTUS but he, along with Garland, are as complicit.
I canvassed too, because I know we needed to.
The American people let me down. But I am still hopeful they will wake.
Then, maybe there can be a reckoning.
Republicans are inhuman and immoral. And those are their best traits.
#Forgiveness for others is a gift we give ourselves, not others.
We have to keep our minds clear to focus on the long fight ahead.
Bitterness, anger, and resentment are the emotions that created #MAGA.
who don't belong being judges!
All six of them must
be impeached by &
fired from their jobs!
They're supposed to represent SCOTUS'
noble & respected members;
but, instead they
chose to smear their positions w/stinky💩, as the dog-turds
they all are!
Eject all six!💡
From musk rat to the orange clown, and this scum bag.
Watch now as two more members (liberal/moderate) will be replaced by tRump.
No Justice- No Peace.
what I can't get over is Change mr I like beer, I drank a lot of hard alcohol in my ear
early 20s but I never never no I would never stick a alcohol
Bottle up on down my ass he's
he's a fucking Supreme Court Justice
I am in full agreement there.
Never ever forgive them !
Superbowl halftime show viewership declined 6.2% this year with a viewership of 113 million in 2025, compared to 120 million in 2024. The game's viewership was down 5%.
Boycotting works!
Let’s not forget about this pos law. Jayapal proposed a Bill to overturn it recently. We need to be talking about this.
Judges are meant to apply the law as laid down by Governments.
This SCOTUS is rewriting the Constitution of the United States. They have said that the POTUS is ABOVE any laws or Constitution.
This itself is unconstitutional.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...
“re-elects” putin every election.
I've never forgiven.
The billionaires who value their money and corresponding influence, over all else.
Those who value party over country.
214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington D.C. 20002-4999
He had his chance during the 1st AND 2nd impeachment to save us!!
I wouldn't be typing this post had he lead the republican party in the right direction
Dems need to be just as visionary and deliberate if we’re going to have a chance in the future!
Never forgive!
It is common sense! Until people recognize the ROOT CAUSE of a problem, the problem is never resolved!
We should have burned that freak show to the ground when they made money free speech.
Cute! I can use this for ax throwing practice!
All need to go.