Maybe I’m an old man, but I’ve been saying this since the early days of crypto. It’s based on nothing, except it requires some computing power for ‘mining’, which is also just based on… nothing. Maybe it was all a brilliant plan by NVDA to prop up sagging GPU sales. It certainly worked.
I've been saying this since it came out. It has nothing to back it. Reminds me of the junk bonds & stocks that have been sold throughout history. People before the Great Depression were buying stock that was nothing but paper. When hard times hit and they tried to sell, there were left empty-handed.
And yet "he" persisted. [Trump's gonna get rich in office by scamming his followers AGAIN!] Hey, sheeple, buy some gold Trump bills and coins while you're at it.
That's exactly why the Trump family got involved with crypto. It's a way to launder money and a way for people, including foreign governments to funnel money into the White House for favors without being detected.
The ownership is obfuscated which makes it a bit more difficult to catch criminals. That's why Trump is eliminating all the cases at the DOJ and eliminating any SEC/DOJ enforcement.
The DOJ developed some tools and techniques for catching criminals -- Trump knows they can easily come after him
Misinformation not true. Transactions are stored forever.
Makes it a really bad way to launder money.
For rich people, owning a bank is much better. There transactions are hidden from the outside, and can be changed by the owner. No such thing possible on the open and decentralized blockchain.
Sadly, it won't go very far in the bigger scheme of things, maybe some other billionaires can pull their wallets out, I'm not gonna hold my breath though.
What do you have against Warren Buffett or his son. There's two types of billionaires. Those that donate their money for the good of humanity [Warren Buffett] and those that are greedy bastards like Elon Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos.
Nowhere near as much as I do with some other billionaires, but I know Buffet has invested in some things I don't particularly agree with over the years, like almost all big investors seem to do.
That's why I made a glib and reasonably light-hearted comment rather than a totally excoriating one
He gave a speech regarding taxing poor people that was spot on, I'll happily give him credit for that, and yes, I do admire some things about him, but I'm also going to have a wee or big fat dig at any billionaire wherever possible, I'm hardwired to do so.
HA. The world is burning and they're just pissing in the wind. Less than useless.
Support progressive politicians and policies with a couple hundred million dollars (like fElon just did) and I'll be impressed, and shocked.
Buffet is just as greedy just has a better media manager.
Any billionaire has to be greedy/obsessed with wealth I would say.
I've been around very rich folk once upon a time, even the seemingly nice ones are usually wankers once the lights are switched on, that's how they get rich and keep it that way.
I'm in no way supporting the wealthy. But it seems like some people are trying to categorize everyone who's wealthy into one category. Just like people categorize POC into one category, or immigrants or poor people. Everyone is different irregardless of personal wealth, color, race or religion.
The only ones making money on crypto are the ones who create it and then cash out as soon as it takes off leaving everyone else with nothing. It's pure theft orchestrated by wealthy thieves.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Its value is not intrinsic. At this point in time it is a purely speculative investment, meaning the well informed will simply use it to transfer wealth from the poorly informed to themselves.
And eventually abolish 💵💲.. to take over control..I honestly think there is more of a plan behind this.. he wants to be the king and he is a “killer “ just like his dad told him so .. true with half the brain but that is seriously dangerous
Why are you so against money that protect people from getting their savings siphoned of via inflation for the profit of bigbanks?
Do you work at a bank or own one? Are you trying to protect your monopoly?
If so I can understand it n respect u, otherwise u just seem to be against your own interest.
I think 'Satoshi Nakamoto" was a bs CIA invention and someone else now has his multi billions in bitcoin. Bitcoin was the original shitcoin pump and dump to fund CIA black projects and other corruption. They used their media connections to normalize idiots paying big money for an encrypted number.
Yes he is a genius and probably not a bad person but.
What makes you think a billionaire has your best interest in mind? Because he looks cute? So it must be true?
Or maybe you work for him? So you are speaking in what u believe is your own best interest?
And who is it controlled by? There’s no regulation. There’s no border. There’s nothing in crypto but risk. It’s the ultimate ponzu scheme, so it’s not really all that surprising that Trump loves it.
Buffet is correct in my opinion. The reason Trump likes it is because it is a highly speculative currency if that is what you want to call it that he thinks he can profit on and he has, and of course the primary reason is Trump is a moron.
And will probably in long term have all Americans on this digital coin so he can watch them where they spend it and on what, totally control of freedom … too far fetched ? I don’t think so, who would have thought he will go full with Putin and turn USA against allies ?
As a store of value? Sure, people think gold will be useful if the dollar dies but what would someone want gold for in that world? That being said, gold is still a physical asset that can be used to build things, bitcoin and crypto have no use outside of people willing to accept it as currency.
Bitcoin’s main additional utility comes from its role in financial freedom, decentralization, and as a foundation for digital payments and secure transactions via blockchain technology.
Sorry, why do you ask that? Gold is physical, it's based on, well, Gold. BTC is based on, well, nothing. If your 'wallet' is gone, lost, compromised, hacked or uupps, deleted, thats it. You value BTC on dollars, not BTC. You can't get to crypto without loads of electricity and functioning internet
Give me one key characteristic that gold has, that bitcoin does not have (or vice versa). Except one being physical and the other digital.
It requires effort to mine, has no revenue stream (dividend), is priced in fiat currency, value is based on market interest, primary a store of value, etc.
Yup, got us there...
If we exclude the biggest difference...
That as one is extant in the 3 dimensional world...and thus can still be found when the power goes out...then've got yourself a bulletproof argument.
In other news, Unicorns far superior to horses in every way.
None of that pays my pension. And I do rather have dollars guaranteed by a government than BTC guaranteed by no one, fluctuating 10,20 or 30% in a day, based on believe and useless in 80% of the world
Unicorns are BTC here, because they do not exist.
Yes, horses are more reliable.
Also, my gold bars somehow keep there value, at least over the last 50 years. Price goes up but relative to inflation plus a bit more instead of dividends. BTC is a casino
You say it yourself. It's physical. Besides that, it' universally accepted. If I want to buy a watch for my wife, I give 2 gold coins, and get the watch. Without internet or anything. The old fashion way. Granted, to pay in Aldi I have to change first into dollars. But 100k in btc tomorrow only 86k?
We can debate forever about its differences with gold, but conceptually there are the same. Use the one you prefer. If you rather save gold bars in your safe, all good.
Other cryptos are definitely a scam, like the Trump meme coin.
It is still in your hand when electricity fails. But very expensive to store, difficult to split in smaller pieces, difficult to transport and difficult to send to the other side of the world.
Take that ,you fools. As a general rule....
If trump is selling it, it's cheap ,tacky , and worthless.
Well yes, but I think he has a plan to get all Americans on this digital currency .. imagine what would happen ? He takes control of what you do, where you go, what you buy .. Musk had said it himself that he sees people on Universal credit wage in the future .. this is THIS SPELLS TOTAL CONTROL 🆘
🎯 I smelled this ponze scheme from a 1/4 mile away. I've talked friends who work in the banking industry they've advised many don't do it. If you get ripped off it's a lost you can't gain back.
From my limited knowledge, its based on complex math calculations thus I still do not understand its value since its not backed by a commodity or a nation's economic prowess. Nonetheless, there are a lot of crypto millionaires just laughing at me for saying that; with good reason.
Who do you think starts a crypto and who gets in at the front buying for pennies then making billions when the price goes up. no one knows how many bitcoins the originator has. It's a scam the whole damn thing.
Well, OK, but dollars and pounds are only legal tender because we agree they are. Money is made up out of thin air every day on the stock market; a company doubles in value just because investors say it does.
Trump is making big money from it with his insider trading and bribery schemes. But's "efficiency" to cash out billionaires with US taxpayer money
i'm no trading genius but this whole crypto scam has been a bit of fun for me
i used paypal to buy a small amount about 2-3 years ago
it went up, it went down
i just left it there
lately it went high enough for me to take back all the cash i initially spent
now the profits are just riding
I bought some years ago and ended up losing a small amount when I bought out of it but I could afford to take a risk on it. I know a guy who put a lot of savings cash into it and lost it. Some people just dont even try to manage risk or expectation and just listen to the hype, then suffer
Hey wait! For criminals it's just awesome. They can invisibly and anonymously make payments and transfer money to other criminals anywhere around the world
And that grand fool of fools, the mess up con man, Thrump, has put $18 billion dollars into a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, comprising 5 cryptocurrencies. That bastard is literally rolling the dice with our financial future to make millions for himself and his cryto buddies.
He's corrupt. Think about how much he forces taxpayers to pay him to play golf every day. It's not like he's going to golf clubs that don't directly pay him. When that 18 billion goes missing (because it will), I suggest we use Trump and his "cryptobros" assets to pay it all back.
Watch our savings magically disappear when the bottom falls out of the Bitcoin market. Along with King Thrump and his entourage of fellow Bitcoin conmen too.
It's simple. It's a closed box. The only money inside is money that people have put in there. Once the amount of money going in is less than the money coming out, the Ponzi scheme collapses. It's the financial equivalent of the emperor's new clothes.
As soon as the first person achieves quantum SHA-256 they will become the sole entity winning all the block rewards (until the supply limit is hit, after which it'll become entirely funded by tx fees) and everyone else mining (to the tune of millions in investment dollars) is suddenly screwed. 😆
USD isn't backed by anything and is a made up currency too. This is why anti crypto people need to be educated on crypto before warning people not to invest. It's ponzi, like you don't have you make an argument that applies to USD too, it's literally ponzi, call it ponzi.
As long as you have done zero research to find out that Bitcoin uses renewable resources. 🤣 Or the fact that a lot of crypto is pre-mined and doesn't require the energy to create. Doing research can go a long way.
My sentiment entirely since the crypto was invented. Money created by wasting a whole lot of hardware and software in creating nothing. Imagine if all that cpu/gpu power would have been used for medicine? Bye, bye cancer. But it is not like humanity is a rational species.
The same argument can be made for crypto. Only its not regulated, contrary to belief it can be traced/tracked. Power outages and glitches would halt everything. At least paying with cash there is privacy of transactions.
Only those that have held onto them for a decade are the ones that are supporting it. They want so much to be able to cash out before it crashes to 0. They’re greedy and want everyone else left holding the bag.
Don’t let any idiot tell you that it’s the same as fiat currencies. It is not. Being backed by a powerful government that has an army and a population of workers and resource rich lands is not nothing.
People: My money can used widely for transactions, is less volatile and I can still find it when the power goes out"
"You just don't understand
<11 paragraph buzzword filled explanation that succeeds in calling you stupid but fails to logically refute the criticisms>
Yup they all spout the same lines .It’s the future, even visa and Mastercard vendors accept itUntil I can spend it in my local bar or corner shop it’s just an illusion.
Only life have intrinsic value.
All other value is only based on subjective opinions or needs based on context.
Not even gold or water have intrinsic value.
Everything except life, is worth only what people are willing to pay for it. Either by their work, time, or with goods or other currency.
Bitcoin is not a stock and that is good thing. It's value is not based on the products or service of a company that can fail and go bankrupt from bad decisions.
Money should not work as stocks.
The value comes from it's transparency, it's longterm predictability and what it enables, and prevents.
Yes it has value because it is useful. Bitcoin has value because it is useful, even though you deny it, there are people who use it every day. Companies who use it to store value, knowing that there is a limited supply and more can't be created by some politicians for their reelection or war.
Buffet should have taken his statement one step further and said that trump and his criminal cabinet will use crypto to raid the US treasury, replacing gold with a valueless scheme.
It seems to be backed up by censorship, lies, disinformation, withholding information about what problems bitcoin and other non scam crypto solve for people, brainwashing, oppression, threat of violence, and lack of ability to freely chose what currency people want to trade in. All that is required?
I have degrees in Economics, Finance and Accounting. When crypto currency first came out I wondered what I was missing. It seemed like investing in tulip bulbs to me, the longer it is presented, the more it seems like tulip bulbs.
FYI, the rich were the ones who lost money on tulip bulbs.
It's blatantly obvious when you have done zero actual research on a topic being commented on. Bitcoin, which is now beyond legal tender abilities, is now considered an asset class. Crypto is for transactional fees within their specific blockchain, not legal tender. Do some research people.
Listen to Warren Buffett...He is wise in the ways of money. When everybody goes to change their bits back to actual money because, lets say a bad recession and inflation,
that's when the crying going to start. Remember listen to Mr. Buffet on this.
Crypto go poof and "TARIFFS AREN'T PAID BY
When trump announced he looked like a complete fool explains how they were going to keep it all at the treasury vault. Like it was a tangible coin…. So fools would envision coins piled high. Now…where’s the Fort Knox Gold? Did he keep that and replace with thin air coinage? He’s a magician…
Agreed but then all Currency 💵 Notes/Bills can also be considered a scam, as 'we' all accept its worth only because a state central bank stipulates an official value upon it.
Just because it is paper & we can touch it, it holds value only because we accept & agree with the state institution globally
The US Dollar is backed by the full faith and obligation of the greatest nation that ever existed on the planet, until recently.
Any other similar or dissimilar questions must be directed to Elon but only while he’s wearing his black cape (I mean jacket) and a ridiculous MAGA cap.
So you are ok with, whatever administration happens to be in power, determining the value of that dollar? You should check the price of eggs, based on the price of Bitcoin over the last 2 years. The value of your dollar fluctuations as well.
The problem is that crypto was originally intended to be a means of commerce, but greedy people chose to use it as a speculative instrument and here we are today...
And what if things will change?
And a couple of years down the road, when value has gone up and stabilized, it will be common to use it in commerce?
Or do you think that will never ever happen?
Maybe you are right but I think u might be wrong. I think more and more will buy low and sell high, stabilizing the supply, supply going to those who will only sell once it goes higher or they have to. Also less decrease of mining rewards could stabilize and decrease the 4 years cycles.
And now he is using it to open up bribery from other countries to him. And they would be bribing the president of the United States anonymously. Such corruption should not be tolerated and we really need to nip this in the bud no matter what it takes if we want to continue as a democratic nation.
This is exactly why Trump wants to steal all the money saved up in taxpayers' savings and put it in crypto, then illegally take all of his own investment out, and then crash/tank the system.
"World Liberty Financial is a decentralized finance protocol founded in 2024; Donald Trump's company title is "chief crypto advocate", Barron Trump is listed as the project's "DeFi (decentralized finance) visionary", and Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. each have the title, "Web3 ambassador.
There is a niche use for it in countries where sending money overseas is strictly forbidden, even if emigrating. ( Technically that's a crime too, in that country of course.) So far, that's not the US.
So Mr. Buffet is not on T-Rump's team, eh.
We must not loose sight ofthe fact that these are all 1%ers and neither one of these plutocrats would do anything to help you if you needed help,... and who doesn't?
I like Rachel Maddow's explanation. Crypto is basically exactly like The Beanie Baby craze, which was assigning differing values to different little stuffed toys, creating a craze based on nothing of real value... only crypto is far more dangerous because it is based really on theft.
Trump is the con artist behind a giant Ponzi scheme-luring voters into a fake 💩 MAGA project, imposing tariffs,deporting M of people, destroying the federal government, pulverizing democracy, pocketing most of the 💵 with oligarchy billionaires backers, leaving 🇺🇸 with a corrupt & decimated society🫡
I have always said that as well (and knew about Buffet’s opinion before). If regular currency is already a “promise of value” because it has valuable coverage, a backup, how can crypto be trusted without any coverage? How not being traceable makes it okay? Simply put: why? No! No trust, no coverage.
More: just a rogue and corrupt government will want to have a crypto reserve fund to cover the criminal and corrupt activities they intend to do. No trace of the transactions. Clearly, an activity of scoundrels.
Actually our current currency is only backed by government promise of its value. It’s about as close to fiat currency as exists. Crypto is just the next step, its value is actually based on an idea of value, much like the Dutch tulip mania of the 1700s
True and in a normal Democracy, we can hold the government responsible if there is no backup. And crypto? It is pure speculation and with their constant pump and dump, people will lose. Again: just a rogue and corrupt government wants to have a crypto fund to do rogue and corrupt things.
Oh, and you say it's not traceable? Really? Every transaction ever is on the blockchain for the world to see. It's the moat traceable currency in the world. You really need to educate yourself.
Actually, the beauty of crypto is you don't have to trust anyone. It just works and nobody can stop it from working. Nobody can freeze my funds or stop a payment. Bitcoin is often called the Trust Machine for just that reason.
Scandalous Texas based Enron launched a digital company that treated bandwidth like a commodity. Bandwidth was more real than crypto, but in the end, it was "manufactured" out of thin air. All you had to do was throw a breaker and poof, it was gone. $ billions were lost.
I mean… the same could be said about the currency we use now, it’s nothing more than paper with a prescribed number value, depended on the demand of one specific metal that’s supposed superior but in what context??? The concept of currency is stupid.
They will take your hard earned dollars and give you worthless crypto. They want to keep your dollars tied up in social security and give you worthless crypto. Don't be fooled, people.
some crypto projects actually aim to solve problems. for example, Flexa aims to make everyday purchases cheaper by competing with Visa/Mastercard etc. CC's charge fees of 3-4% while Flexa is less that 1%. thats big for merchants and consumers.
It’s as plain as the nose on your face. Oh but to have a mirror!
But even that won’t convince them.
“It’s a filter. It’s a scam to keep us from getting rich. We want crypto!”
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔I hope America recognizes that not all of their billionaires are pricks like Elon Musk or weak pathetic greedy cowards like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Pichai—
When I think respectable American billionaires who actually give back, Bill Gates & Warren Buffett top the list.
Exactly, he wants people under his control.Imagine using only his digital currency .. your freedom is gone ! What do dictators do ?Take over peoples freedom what they think, how they spend their money and in this age with AI it’s so easy ! The window of opportunity to stop ii is closing fast !
Buffet is right of course. Have a crypto bros. explain to you in under 3 minutes why Crypto is a good thing! They can't because Crypto is a scam. At a point in time it will crumble because it is made up & now because of Trump the US govt. will be on the hook for some amount of $ after the collapse.
Oligarchs wet dream. They exploit the run up or the hysteria on the upside & the working class & govt. pay for the losses after the collapse. Capitalism for the rich for the gains & socialism for the mega rich for the losses. They never lose.
In general I agree with Buffett. The exception is XRP and its seven 'daughter currencies'. These are all asset-backed: XRP with gold, and the seven 'daughters' with other precious metals. But otherwise: yup, crypto is even more 'fiat-based' than the US dollar and other 'normal' currencies.
Totally agree and so many people have fallen in this trap based on Greed when they think they're making fast money investments. You're better to invest in Environmental Products
Really? So, countries disappear all the time right?
Apples and oranges dude, don't promote the belief that actual currency and crypto are in the same ballpark, hell they're not even the same GAME!
Yeah you’re talking about shitcoins. I’m talking about bitcoin and ethereum. Bitcoin is used as an actual currency in some countries and is also valuable for the “unbanked”. Ethereum is used to make smart contracts, and actually useful thing. That said, I don’t actually believe any currency…
…is immutably valuable, including gold. Everything has a potential risk to be worthless and that is why you must diversify and own a bit of everything. I know I’m a gynecologist and you might not give an F about my opinion, but I’m well read and this is a legit strategy by actual financial advisors.
Hey you wanna go to a casino, go ahead, it's your money. But ALL crypto is in the casino. Even the fabled bitcoin could tumble to zero because of a concerted effort of a few "whales".
Far less of a chance of countries conspiring to crash currency (although it has happened).
Yes, value is subjective.
Which one hasn’t been bankrupt 6 times??
But that is not a real thing. Go try and buy a 5090 right now.
That's why we're so fucked. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 #BravoMorons
It's bad sci-fi.
I don't know about the "lost everything" but but I'm also not surprised at all.
But with the mindset of most politicians there will be more scams until cryptocurrencies will be outlawed.
The DOJ developed some tools and techniques for catching criminals -- Trump knows they can easily come after him
Makes it a really bad way to launder money.
For rich people, owning a bank is much better. There transactions are hidden from the outside, and can be changed by the owner. No such thing possible on the open and decentralized blockchain.
He's also very upfront the technology is not within his competency
Warren Buffett says not to pay attention to his opinion on technology
I think every reporter who ever asked him about Tech should be ashamed of themselves
Sadly, it won't go very far in the bigger scheme of things, maybe some other billionaires can pull their wallets out, I'm not gonna hold my breath though.
That's why I made a glib and reasonably light-hearted comment rather than a totally excoriating one,criticized%20company%20and%20its%20management.
He gave a speech regarding taxing poor people that was spot on, I'll happily give him credit for that, and yes, I do admire some things about him, but I'm also going to have a wee or big fat dig at any billionaire wherever possible, I'm hardwired to do so.
HA. The world is burning and they're just pissing in the wind. Less than useless.
Support progressive politicians and policies with a couple hundred million dollars (like fElon just did) and I'll be impressed, and shocked.
Buffet is just as greedy just has a better media manager.
I've been around very rich folk once upon a time, even the seemingly nice ones are usually wankers once the lights are switched on, that's how they get rich and keep it that way.
I escaped from that shit, thank fuck.
Or Beanie Babies in the 90s.
How much did you get paid to write that?
Do you work at a bank or own one? Are you trying to protect your monopoly?
If so I can understand it n respect u, otherwise u just seem to be against your own interest.
What makes you think a billionaire has your best interest in mind? Because he looks cute? So it must be true?
Or maybe you work for him? So you are speaking in what u believe is your own best interest?
Meanwhile King T & broz will cash in.
Just like alcohol, which has been around forever, so we accept it. But if it were invested today it would be qualified as illegal drug.
And please note: “crypto” is not the same as “bitcoin”.
Same for BTC, with some utility and useful underlying technology (blockchain).
If the world explodes into mayhem, you can not eat gold nor bitcoin.
Blockchain enables many applications.
It requires effort to mine, has no revenue stream (dividend), is priced in fiat currency, value is based on market interest, primary a store of value, etc.
If we exclude the biggest difference...
That as one is extant in the 3 dimensional world...and thus can still be found when the power goes out...then've got yourself a bulletproof argument.
In other news, Unicorns far superior to horses in every way.
Guess you’re also sending printed letters, because email is digital so not available when the power is gone?
Or our nice conversation here in the digital, virtual world of Bluesky.
Or the dollars that are “printed” when the government changes a number in a computer.
Yes, horses are more reliable.
Also, my gold bars somehow keep there value, at least over the last 50 years. Price goes up but relative to inflation plus a bit more instead of dividends. BTC is a casino
Don’t believe me, believe investment moguls like Ray Dalio.
Nobody has to use it, I just hope they all protect their buying power with hard assets and not save in fiat currency.
Bitcoin is the hardest asset that ever existed.
We can debate forever about its differences with gold, but conceptually there are the same. Use the one you prefer. If you rather save gold bars in your safe, all good.
Other cryptos are definitely a scam, like the Trump meme coin.
It is still in your hand when electricity fails. But very expensive to store, difficult to split in smaller pieces, difficult to transport and difficult to send to the other side of the world.
I am just trying to explain that there many misconceptions about bitcoin.
Do not confuse bitcoin with the large variety of crypto (shitcoins).
If trump is selling it, it's cheap ,tacky , and worthless.
2. Publish the reserve's portfolio "for transparency"
3. Watch rich people tank the portfolio for quick profits
Tada! Real dollars stolen from American taxpayers and put into the pockets of ultra-wealthy people like Musk
i used paypal to buy a small amount about 2-3 years ago
it went up, it went down
i just left it there
lately it went high enough for me to take back all the cash i initially spent
now the profits are just riding
Feeless fixed supply. 100% ethical.
Also, why is he so concerned about Ft. Knox?? Not that he could do anything with it - hopefully - but that ass smells money and tries to steal it.
Like moths to a flame
So I’m just calling it like I see it is all
Plus I’m a little jealous because my brain melts w/bitcoin stuff - I can’t comprehend it to save my life
Does trump like it? It's absolute crap.
Does trump hate it? It's functioning as designed for the long-term.
It's Beanie Babies.
(decided to go with one of the spelling corrections😉)
world accepts it because it's the US good credit
ancient Rome the same thing with money
US parallels them exactly
Spread themselves too thin, corruption They fell
Video by GoldSilver
excellent channel
current financial analysis, so informative
so they said.
but it spooks people to hear
He is an old school
Warren Buffett is the quietest of all these billionaires
Reported he sold a lot of his portfolio, 150 billions worth of stock to have cash stored away
He is smart
"You just don't understand
<11 paragraph buzzword filled explanation that succeeds in calling you stupid but fails to logically refute the criticisms>
Crypto has no intrinsic value, being worth only what people are willing to pay for it. And as we’ve already seen, it can collapse overnight.
All other value is only based on subjective opinions or needs based on context.
Not even gold or water have intrinsic value.
Everything except life, is worth only what people are willing to pay for it. Either by their work, time, or with goods or other currency.
In this context, gold does have intrinsic value due to its utility in electronics, etc. But its market value far exceeds its intrinsic value.
Money should not work as stocks.
The value comes from it's transparency, it's longterm predictability and what it enables, and prevents.
FYI, the rich were the ones who lost money on tulip bulbs.
that's when the crying going to start. Remember listen to Mr. Buffet on this.
Crypto go poof and "TARIFFS AREN'T PAID BY
Just because it is paper & we can touch it, it holds value only because we accept & agree with the state institution globally
Any other similar or dissimilar questions must be directed to Elon but only while he’s wearing his black cape (I mean jacket) and a ridiculous MAGA cap.
Start reading from back at Wilson’s term and work forward. And stop making silly comments.
And a couple of years down the road, when value has gone up and stabilized, it will be common to use it in commerce?
Or do you think that will never ever happen?
and even then, we've seen how unstable that can be, with USDT having depegged from its underlying assets on more than one occasion.. 😬
He’s in love with the grift, wherever he finds it or it finds him.
Our tax dollars
Our social security
They are Stealing our long-time gains.
"World Liberty Financial is a decentralized finance protocol founded in 2024; Donald Trump's company title is "chief crypto advocate", Barron Trump is listed as the project's "DeFi (decentralized finance) visionary", and Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. each have the title, "Web3 ambassador.
We must not loose sight ofthe fact that these are all 1%ers and neither one of these plutocrats would do anything to help you if you needed help,... and who doesn't?
You should really learn more about it.
The problem is it's an easily manipulated market, where the wealthy can make themselves more wealthy while destroying what we put in.
Stocks are the same without a strong SEC.
One CME of sufficient strength and crypto disappears.
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When you or your family member needs help with health services, just ask your billionaire friends.
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Pumping and dumping different assets. Creating useless shittoken to rug his degenerate maga followers.
He loves the Republicans because they truly are the dumbest people out there.
how is cryptocurrency being abused?
But even that won’t convince them.
“It’s a filter. It’s a scam to keep us from getting rich. We want crypto!”
Sure. Sure you do. Here, have more koolaid.
This regime is trying to empty our treasury and replace it with crypto.
the rest is fake. (even stocks)
When I think respectable American billionaires who actually give back, Bill Gates & Warren Buffett top the list.
I still think that it's a 100% scam
..and for all those saying, "it has to be a scam because tRumps now involved",
Remember, he was in fierce opposition of Cryptocurrency.
..and I have yet to see tRump do anything but screw people over w/"his" MEME COINS, there's a huge difference.
Crypto b4 BigBanks 💠
Apples and oranges dude, don't promote the belief that actual currency and crypto are in the same ballpark, hell they're not even the same GAME!
Far less of a chance of countries conspiring to crash currency (although it has happened).
Yes, value is subjective.