Absolutely. Interesting that the NYC casa nostra families were busted mid-80s, by none other than Rudy Giuliani. So who was there to take over the businesses? Why none other than the Russian mob who in recent years had established a strong foothold in Brighton Beach. And they needed $ laundered...
A Mafia? As an Italian American who grew up with some of my "Family Members" (long past now), who were members of "The Family", I will say, "To my knowledge, they NEVER punished old people, young children and other people who were WITHOUT SIN!". They were Honest Crooks who had a Code or Ethics.
Yes. It's a hostile takeover. Where are those Oath takers who swore to defend the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic?
When the traitorous attacker is the president, that forfeits obeying his orders.
When the traitorous attacker is the president, that forfeits obeying his orders.