The Ghoul hungers 🩸 Ken Kaneki is stepping into The Fog on April 2.

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i too wish to have the other mother... i think it's the best killer you'll ever licensed.
Oohhh never thougt about that before! That would be lit !!!!
I know nothing about Tokyo Ghoul & thought I wouldn't care for this chapter but after seeing Kaneki in game, I love him & I'm intrigued. Now I wanna watch the anime. Wish more people were open-minded with chapters. I don't care what anyone says, anime horror is welcome in dbd!
Also the entity hiring protagonists now. Would be interesting if we got a few more of them just because it’s unexpected.
Also will we get Rize as a skin?
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Would lowkey work, considering she and Kaneki have literally the same Kagune.
Technically it’s her kagune right? Would be a dope skin like how Tiffany was released along side Chucky
It is her Kakuhō that got transplanted into his body, with time it changes to be more "his", but this is like the Aogiri raid Kaneki, so I would say his Kagune probably looks more or less the same as Rize's, maybe besides some cosmetic changes.
Interesting, thank you for that info!
U r welcome
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Japanese actor only no English?
Well born actors are cool.
Also give that boy a hug I know what he has suffered.
I am so excited to test him out when I get home from work.
Would recomend watching the anime now?
I recommend the manga more. The show can get very confusing but it’s still one of my favorites!
I would recommend it. One of my favorites, tbh

Is there any chance to get a Juuzou Suzuya skin?
Looks so cool πŸ”₯!
Anime has no place in dbd. Tired of the children making content for this game. Bet a whole bunch leave the game after this. I wouldn’t be surprised. The killer is awful clunky and a complete mess. The competence or lack there of is highly astounding on bhvr. Cringe chapter
Bro is really gatekeeping horror πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Children? Have you ever watched Tokyo Ghoul? It's definitely not for children
It’s Dead by Daylight, not Dead by My Personal Preferences. Every time there's a new release, people say things like this, yet the game keeps chugging along. If you don’t like it, just don’t play it. The rest of us will be over here enjoying. 😎
The hate on this from tiktok and X is so forced. Biggest reason I don’t associate with the community
Will the tariff war be effecting dlc prices lol
I have to try it later today. looks interesting. still stuck at work
Omg thank you!

Also, that’s 3 days before my 26th Birthday

And plus, I’m excited for the Anniversary and the FNAF Chapter soon
I feel like he’s a mix of Wesker and legion and is pretty weak
Ooh v cool!
I am so excited!!!!!