We #CelebrateAbortionProviders for their compassion, brilliance and bravery. They are guiding stars who help us shape our futures.
Happy Abortion Provider Appreciation Day!
You can share some gratitude and encouragement for abortion providers here: https://abortioncarenetwork.kudoboard.com/boards/MJjeu2DA
Happy Abortion Provider Appreciation Day!
You can share some gratitude and encouragement for abortion providers here: https://abortioncarenetwork.kudoboard.com/boards/MJjeu2DA
At any time. For any reason. No questions asked.
Why do you believe this?
Thank you to the compassionate providers!❤️
Abortion is healthcare. Hiding “the nature of the procedure” suggests it is shameful.
#ProAbortion #AbortionIsHealthcare
Why is abortion different?