Better to keep things open for the country's sake in the meantime. If Dems don't pass this, we fall into the trap of being the scapegoat. That’s what they want. I don't believe shutting down the government with a crappy budget is the answer right now.
I support Schumer this time. They're not adhering to the last budget
with no intention following this one. Congress no longer exists in the eyes of Trump. It's only for 6 months & this will be the least of our concerns over the next few months.
This is misrepresenting the current situation. In a government shutdown, POTUS has expanded powers. I support Indivisible, but giving trump even more power is NOT something I support.
Contact them via phone, text, or email to leave messages. Let’s ensure there is no doubt that they will not approve the budget bill under any circumstances.
Done & done. But still trying to get & to change their minds and grow a spine. THIS IS NOT POLITICS AS USUAL!!!
Done, and I wrote to Schumer as well urging him to reconsider his (basically) capitulation. He will make our country a one-party system- the Trump party.
Which is the lesser of two evils? I’m legitimately trying to understand the consequences of both options. Pass or not pass the CR? Wouldn’t it be much easier for the dictator & his sycophants to eliminate more agencies, departments, & fire dedicated employees if the government is shut down?
He has to be afraid that the backlash for this all was going to fall on the Democrats. Guess what the backlash for extended hand Democrats is still going to be there!
As romantic as the theatrics of shutting down the govt are, it would be playing right into the executive branch’s hands. It would give them total control with zero checks and balances from federal courts that are currently preventing some of the harms. We must keep it open to have a chance in hell
If Dems do this, indivisible needs to push people to change voter registrations to independent and not one more dime to democrats. Indivisible should start platforming candidates now to primary establishment Dems and leave the party behind.
Agreed. is a waste of time. He is a fool. He is why demure doing poorly. No resistance and not fighting. Just give in. He needs to loose his seat
The Dems will cave. They are yellow and are so damned afraid of their own shadows. Right now they really should be afraid of their constituents. Very, very afraid.
No senator who votes for this CR can complain about the pain that will result. They'll have no one but themself to blame. As soon as they complain, anybody can rightly respond, "Well, you voted for it. STFU."
Bad news team…Schumer is caving in to this horrifying bill. I’ve called, sent emails, you name it. He’s my senator along with Gilibrand. 2 weeks ago he told us in Indivisible NY he’d fight tooth & nail in a webinar. What a pathetic disappointment he is to us right now. Didn’t fight one bit. 😡 you better straighten up, fight and suck up your weakness for surrendering to Republicans.
Closing the Gov is unfortunate but leaving it open to Trump Chaos is unconscionable and unacceptable. VOTE NO. 👎
I messaged & said the voices of the American people matter. By caving on budget he is allowing GOP, Trump and Musk to continue grifting and moving money where they want it. The people don’t want this! make GOP own this disaster- don’t bend the knee otherwise he is a grifter too.
This makes me so angry. I live in SC and tried to call him. You can't leave a voice mail like ALL the other senators
Who are they kidding, do they not understand Trump will go to any length to do whatever he wants. We are in dangerous times. I was more in the 60's. People underestimate Boomers.
I just tried calling my Oregon Senators and their mailboxes are full. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can get through. Usually I’ve been able to speak with a staffer.
I have called multiple times to urge and to stand strong and vote NO! Thank you to for voting against the awful MAGA budget that will cut $30mil in spending in just our district!!
So was Chuck lying yesterday when he said we have the votes to stop CR? Dems will be blamed by Repubs for whatever happens. And besides, the way the Dems are spinelessly heading, chances of any election grow dim.
I just called California senator Adam Schiff and left a message. Alex Padilla didn't have a VM available. This number is the same for all senators. If you don't know the name of your senator or rep just say your state and it will forward you to the right one.
If you're anywhere near a Senator's office, especially in DC, show the fuck up!!! This will not be painless. The cuts will happen either way. STOP MAKING IT EASY!
If they caved, Replace every single one of them at their next election. Hound them to step down early. Get better candidates because they are no better than Republicans if they caved. don't fuck US over. Vote NO ON CLOTURE! WE THE PEOPLE are 👀 you. Your DNC Kamala Harris fundraiser BLASTS the damage the #GOPNaziParty CR will do. No more lesser of 2 evils! SHUT IT DOWN! Don't be COMPLICIT!
with no intention following this one. Congress no longer exists in the eyes of Trump. It's only for 6 months & this will be the least of our concerns over the next few months.
Yielding power to Musk/Trump—Republicans have essentially already shut down the government.
Democrats giving in is only going to give a thumbs up to Musk/Trump to keep going.
A complete shut down may be the only way out of this Republican created mess.
We will primary and vote out any Dem who lets us down.
Call 202-224-3121 to tell Chuck what a sell-out coward he is. Call him over and over again. Keep calling.
#coward #CR #capitulate #resistance #indivisible #50501movement #spineless #protest
This has been the plan for a LONG time.
You think phone calls from poor people will matter to them?!!
Closing the Gov is unfortunate but leaving it open to Trump Chaos is unconscionable and unacceptable. VOTE NO. 👎
Who are they kidding, do they not understand Trump will go to any length to do whatever he wants. We are in dangerous times. I was more in the 60's. People underestimate Boomers.
📆March 14th
📍780 3rd Ave, NYC
Sen Schumer's office.
If you're anywhere near a Senator's office, especially in DC, show the fuck up!!! This will not be painless. The cuts will happen either way. STOP MAKING IT EASY!
📣SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN!! is a coward and an accomplice to the rampant grift happening right now.
Schumer is clearly compromised.