Schumer’s failure to lead in this critical moment was a betrayal of the Democratic Party, its voters, and our democracy. We need a Senate Minority Leader who will actually fight back against Trump, not fold to him. The stakes are too high for failed leadership. Make sure your senators hear from you.
My alt is
et al, are not the bad guys. I heard their explanations. There were downsides to whatever they did. (There always will be in dealing with Conservatives.) Calling them betrayers is an overkill and playing into the
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Very hard to remain professional on the second calls. Just found my voice raising in volume.
And now a book tour ffs.
Share & add your name below to one-click email EVERY U.S. Senator to tell them we demand CHANGE!
#Resist #Democrats #TrueBlue #BlueCrew #Indivisible #UnitedBlueStormArmy #ProudBlue
At the rate POTUS / CO-POTUS are going, shutting down the gov't just speeds up their efforts. Why would we want to do that?
An insurrectionist is in the White House actively dismantling the government. Every senator and representative supporting that bill committed treason by aiding it.
Resign or be impeached, bare minimum.
New Yorkers need to speak up.
And if he doesn't step aside, push for a vote of no confidence.
When is the time?
Avoiding “infighting” is how we got here.