The orange faced rapist and his boy, Vance, need to apologize to the 'HERO OF THE FREE WORLD', and insist Putin RETURN what's been stolen and pay for the damages he's caused.
Instruct Putin to honor the agreement and guarantees that he and the US made in December 5, 1994.
Nothing less!
Considering this war really started in 2014 when the far right couped the democratically elected president with US help, not sure why this is a progressive stance to take.
Never mind that coup was championed by neo-Nazi forces that operate to this day.
Der Fall wirft ein bezeichnendes Licht darauf, wie fahrlässig mit Steuergeldern umgegangen wird - während der normale Bürger jeden Cent zweimal umdrehen muss.
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS
The best way to end this shameful war that Putin initiated would have been to bring Russia on the brink of collapse. Too bad that opportunity has passed with our Nazi Commander in Chief.
Instruct Putin to honor the agreement and guarantees that he and the US made in December 5, 1994.
Nothing less!
Just sayin'
Never mind that coup was championed by neo-Nazi forces that operate to this day.
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS