On the short one is Kit and she's just a little bully.
The taller one, Lynn, is an older character of mine I include mostly cause I think she's cute ahaha. She's a tease. Not much of a bully but at least for these drawings, she's going along with Kit's shenanigans so she can see a naked guy ahaaa
I’m so proud of myself for catching that; truly a blast from the past. Once upon a time, a young Sinny saw that scene and felt a bit odd about it, but didn’t understand it until a bit later… 😅
thanks q q ;;
theyr'e soooo embarrassing
The taller one, Lynn, is an older character of mine I include mostly cause I think she's cute ahaha. She's a tease. Not much of a bully but at least for these drawings, she's going along with Kit's shenanigans so she can see a naked guy ahaaa
(probably the start of all this cartoon-ish embarrassment stuff for me)
and ;alkdsfj HEY
spongebob in this case
but ive had ppl ask me that too. never actually saw the simpsons movie
yee window squish fun