He should have and could have done alot to defend and protect Democracy. Instead he will be turning our government over to Putin and Putin's lap dog trump.
He should! Yet he won't. Like I would say my presidential duty is make sure trump won and his whole cabinet is investigated until then there no new cabinet or president
That, among other things on the full immunity wish list. Lots & lots of preemptive pardons, for example. Releasing a whole lot of full, unredacted (except for national security reasons) reports & investigation findings.
That is something I don't understand! The Supreme Court gave "" any"" president presidential immunity. Biden should use that presidential immunity to put Velveeta Voldemort, a domestic terrorist, so deep inside Gitmo that no one can find him!!
Incorrect, the case was “Donald Trump vs the United States of America”. The “Supreme Court” gave immunity to Trump only. To try and get the same immunity, Biden would have to do something illegal, get busted, and then go all the way to the SC where they would most likely rule 6 to 3 against.
Unless there is a Trump card to play it seems the Potus and his administration are omplicit in this fascist takeover.
"Wouldn't work"?
Don't care! Do it anyway!
When are we gonna find some Democrats with balls?
Like Kamala!