"wah wah i dont follow enough cool indie developers. i wanna know and play more cool indie games but idk where to start!"
shush. shut up. shhhhhh. puts my finger on your mouth
shush. shut up. shhhhhh. puts my finger on your mouth
(anyways followed the list. saw a lot of familiar folks ive been meaning to follow!)
Do you mean...
Cool as an alien cucumber?
Cool as a summer breeze at the mountains of madness?
Cool as in, it's cool to succumb to madness, cool?
Or just as in, cool indy devs working to create an old school stg/shmup starring a super cute eldritch horror-kinda cool?
I was wondering where all these new followers were coming from!
Also can I bypass the selection "criteria" for the cool club and avoid the goat sacrifice by submitting a clip recreating the Raygun "breakdance" routine dressed as a Kangaroo?