Thomas Jefferson, “The officer who is called to act on superior ground, does indeed risk himself on the justice of the Constitution, and his station makes it his duty to incur the risk. Those who accept great charges, accept risk on themselves on great occasions, when safety of nation are at stake”
“Of course, while the Supreme Court has provided a protective and presumptive immunity cloak for a president’s conduct, that cloak is not so large to extend to those who aid, abet and execute criminal acts on behalf of a criminally immune president,” Howell wrote.
“The excuse offered after World War II by enablers of the fascist Nazi regime of ‘just following orders’ has long been rejected in this country’s jurisprudence.”
Trump may be immune. Those associated with Trump are not.
The old Nuremburg defense . . this pack of criminals was responsible for the greatest loss of life in wartime. #Felon47 and his cronies are no different.
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Thank you for keeping us updated on this beautiful platform! I have a great group of friends that just joined and I will figure out how to get them to follow you!✌️😁
Now let’s start arresting Trump’s evil SS officers & Brownshirts.
Trump may be immune. Those associated with Trump are not.
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