So touching! I worked on Bonnie & Clyde when I was 16 & Gene was so kind to “the kid” on the set. Gracious man & so funny! I also sat all day talking to a young actor who was very nervous about his 1 scene in the movie…Gene Wilder. Both so lovely & sadly both now gone. #RIPGeneHackman💔💔💔💔💔
Reposted from
Mel Brooks
I was privileged to know Gene Hackman because he played tennis with another Gene—Gene Wilder. And that Gene told him about a little role called The Blind Hermit in our movie YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN…
Now, how the hell was I also not following Mel Brooks!??
You, too, are in that category & glad you're still with us
Thanks, Morgan, for a happy memory.
And for those like yourself who've known them personally, they live on by the memories you share.
Thank you for sharing
#RiP 🙏 #GeneHackman 🎭