It’s not gonna be super bad like the lowest I think is gonna be around -2C but we don’t really get this cold more than once or twice a year but if I didn’t have stuff to go out and do I would not leave my bed for the foreseeable future lol
Yeah, we're going to hit -3 on night, so similar. We still have to do things like feed cows and take the kid to school... It'd be great to just hole up until Friday and bake warm things.
Baking is gonna be my saving grace I literally made cinnamon rolls this morning because I just want to eat warm sweet things when it gets this cold 😭
Best of luck with everything tho stay safe
You, too! I made a giant pan of pumpkin pie baked oatmeal, assuming it'd cover a school week's worth of breakfasts for the kid... Then, he decided he didn't like it because the oats feel like nuts in his mouth.
Best of luck with everything tho stay safe
Ah, parenthood.