The reason you know the US has the most propagandised citizens in the world is that their crimes are the greatest in all of the world’s ~200 nations, yet their citizens generally believe their country is a huge force for good globally. You won’t see such contrast anywhere else.
BirdFlu isnt new or nearly as contageous .. the transmission might change thats true, but im not seeing good evidence it will
the 'supression of info' this last few years is due to the USDA & US-CDC caring more about the cheap eggs & milk industry's reputation than Human health
By intervention I mean famines, slaughter, concentration camps, genocide, pillaging
However… the UK isn’t quite as aggressive as the US presently, so it takes much more delusion not to see it while it’s happening.
Liebour and the Tories are competing to appease the elitists, whose only interest is further enrichment, and keeping us ignorant
Legacy media also has too much influence on public opinion
..but the veil is disintegrating fast