This is just you not understanding the paradox of intolerance. If all humans deserve to live then we shouldn't have fought the Nazis, right? I promise you this isn't a hill you want to die on, it's very easy to dismantle.
So are we comparing trump supporter to nazis?…. And I am not saying all nazis are good… but some had to be scared of what hitter will do to there families right? (I don’t know I am not smart of with history :3)
If you're NOT comparing Trump supporters to Nazis, you don't know history. I'm not saying that every Nazi was deeply personally evil, but complicity is complicity. There's no amount of self-preservation that justifies complicity in genocide, as if those victims didn't also have a right to Life.
But still! Trump supports are people! Just because they voted for him (not saying I voted for him) doesn’t mean they should kill themself! What happens to everyone spread kindness and positivity like Harris said!? (I just want the hate to stop and not have people do stupid things ;-;)
If you're an idiot then just don't vote, be honest with yourself about your knowledge and then don't vote. If you vote out of ignorance, you are just as bad as people who vote out of malice.
I think it's more that, if they knew what they were doing and still voted for him, they should kill themselves. Most of them didn't know though. Most of them are just utter idiots, gullible marks being taken for a ride by liars. Personally, I would still rather the idiots die than vote.
Harris backed Israel as well btw. But if you believe the Dems aren't lying while the Republicans are, then you're believing a lie as well. Behind closed doors, away from the Internet, they work together. One side controls the old folk, the other grips the young. Together, they fool everyone.
"If you believe the Dems aren't lying..." Nice strawman, we can play the "putting words in each other's mouths" game if you want.
Wow welcome to the 2 party system 101. Now you can pass your GED!