That's what Biden should have done and should do. It's the last thing he can do to maintain the Constitution, our democracy and what relative peace we will have until our laws and constitution is enforced on the insurrectionist traitors.
No, that is not how I would describe that. The editors there want to channel public opinion in a certain direction and anything contrary to that is effectively suppressed.
Sorry, but while the Times is not on my good list, they would not have deleted the comment above if written as is. They do not edit comments just for disagreeing with their editors or owners.
So, he is angry at the opposition party so pulled this?
I need to read up about this guy, he seems unhinged AFAICT at the moment without a lot of details. Damn.
This is over. The South Korean people stood up and cancelled that shit on the spot. They showed up!! Like a democracy should! They just taught us a lesson in democracy!
Probably, South Korea is a generally safe place, even with developments like this. This coup attempt is unlikely to spill out into the streets and involve civilians. Plus, it'll probably be over sooner rather than later.
S. Korea is a good Asian country, like Japan. We're the opposite of N. Korea.
I just found out about this and the people I know here in Seoul take this for granted as if it is no big deal. I don't know where this is going but I'm sure to discover more later this week.
If you have to use the military to prop up your government, then your government must be weak. This is not a good sign. Both the Rapist and Putin favor NK. And the Rapist may use this in his own playbook. Biden should not. This is a sign of weakness.
I need to read up about this guy, he seems unhinged AFAICT at the moment without a lot of details. Damn.
S. Korea is a good Asian country, like Japan. We're the opposite of N. Korea.