Su-jin is kind of original, based on his parents (who I suppose take reference from other characters)
However, Jasper is similar to Jinx in my mind! And Fran Bow, and other characters like that!
However, Jasper is similar to Jinx in my mind! And Fran Bow, and other characters like that!
His dad, Markus, knows that he has a superpower due to gene testing that his own company developed, but is keeping that fact from him.
He is just a kid right now, after all. He does egg Jasper on and call her a freak in jest sometimes, he will probably get better. Hopefully.
I drew her with a normal outfit, but she also generally wears brighter colors, kind of like a Disney channel character from the early 2000s
Her vibe is like "girlfailure"
Jasper got hers through an event-- an experiment gone wrong, affecting the entire town.
She saw her own father slowly die at 12, as he was trapped under rubble and she couldn't get him out.