I know Omen's powers but that information is strictly confidential and is very hard to discover or realize that he has it.
His dad, Markus, knows that he has a superpower due to gene testing that his own company developed, but is keeping that fact from him.
His dad, Markus, knows that he has a superpower due to gene testing that his own company developed, but is keeping that fact from him.
He is just a kid right now, after all. He does egg Jasper on and call her a freak in jest sometimes, he will probably get better. Hopefully.
I drew her with a normal outfit, but she also generally wears brighter colors, kind of like a Disney channel character from the early 2000s
Her vibe is like "girlfailure"
Jasper got hers through an event-- an experiment gone wrong, affecting the entire town.
She saw her own father slowly die at 12, as he was trapped under rubble and she couldn't get him out.