I’m really saddened about the current state of affairs. I’m a naturalized citizen (born in Italy) and moved here in 2000. This just doesn’t feel like the same country I came to then. If things don’t get better in the next four years, I’m seriously thinking about moving my whole family to Europe.
Right? I wish I could afford to spend the rest of my days hopping the globe, never stepping back in my country until the entire GOP has died off from lack of support. If that never happened at least I wouldn't be forced to be IN it. Takes $, though...
Same. Even if you take your pets how are you going to find a place to rent with four of them. It’s not likely you could get a loan to buy a house in another country. Are there trailer parks in the EU? Doesn’t seem likely.
Honestly, If I were going to put down roots (globe hopping only happens if I hit the Powerball!), I'd want to buy a place. And I'm an artist. Where would I paint? And I'm OVER fixer-uppers. A lot to consider. 64 is awfully late to start over.
Yes in the uk we have caravan parks theyre called. Not nice places to live, overall. I'm not renting, i will buy a home. It's honestly the only choice with 4 pets. Though only 3 will go with me. And its not too difficult to get a loan abroad if you have good credit here.
I’ve had the exact same thought. Just run out the allotted time in every country until this is over. Alas it would take the kind of $$ that comes with a regular job.
God, that would be fun. Grab a friend and experience living and working some place not run by greedy people trying to kill us. I have almost forgotten how that feels. I really wish. But I'm not going anywhere that allows in GOP/MAGA!
No. Which is sort of my point. There will come a time - who knows when - where egress out of the country will be as closed as entry into it. The clock is ticking. Attachment to new way of life will be a tragic liability. Think North Korea.
I'm a naturalized citizen as well. Also very sad and very anxious about the current chaos. What else is in store for the next 4 years?
If I didn't have family, I'd be in Europe by now.
If I didn't have family, I'd be in Europe by now.