"In red and blue states alike, people expect government to continue to provide essential services like safe and affordable drinking water. Now, more than ever, states must step up," writes UCS's Juliet Christian-Smith in her latest blog.
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There are so many mixed messages here.
We want you to breed
We will not feed you
We still want you to breed
No services- not putting out fires
All the water will go to AI and crypto
Children will die
Half of the American people have absolutely no idea how the services they rely on get to them, nor do they care. So they are easily fooled by fox. Wait for the shock and dismay to set in. Get your containers ready to catch all those MAGA tears!!!
I did a 20 year break from Eastern Oregon and went back over recently. I was shocked at how dried out everything is now. Big farms and ranches have lowered the watertable to dangerous levels too. A way of life is fixing to go away.
Enjoy your $10 hamburgers, folks. It's probably the new norm.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Blue states are better off seceding sooner rather than later. Been saying this for 20 years; its nonsense that blue staters continually have to pay for red states' poor governance!
The states should redirect federal tax dollars away from washington, if they won’t do their job, back into the states themselves to cover this basic need and others.
No money for the maga buffoons
Experience shows again and again that people expect government to provide essential services to them alone, and not those other people who are probably less deserving than them
I think the time has moved past the states stepping up. It's time for the people to step up and demand that their states step up. I think at this point it's clear that the government is operating unopposed.
The people of the United states will have to be the opposition they want to see.
UNITED we must all stand together for clean water, food and air. WITHOUT ANY OF IT, we are ALL dead, whether you are a blue state or a red state! The earth wont care if you are a Reptiliancon or a democrat, she will kill you both if you are not making drastic action!
Trump called Canada "a big faucet" because of the water we send south. If he's going to punish us with ridiculous tariffs, he probably shouldn't have said that. However, we're too nice to punish innocent (or even not-so-innocent) people for the antics of the orange chaos monkey. 🇨🇦
We want you to breed
We will not feed you
We still want you to breed
No services- not putting out fires
All the water will go to AI and crypto
Children will die
Enjoy your $10 hamburgers, folks. It's probably the new norm.
Anybody remember T Bone Pickins?
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
No money for the maga buffoons
CA will be ok for the most part.
MS, AL, MO, etc - not so much.
The government is not coming to help. But you can. There's protests at every state capitol tomorrow.
I stayed in Germany after my US Army service was over. I'm calling on the people to fight.
The people of the United states will have to be the opposition they want to see.
They keep f ing around, and they're not gonna stop until they finally find out.