Today, EPA's Lee Zeldin announced rollbacks on key environmental regulations, including pollution limits for coal plants, climate rules & EV standards. He called it a “consequential" day of deregulation, but for those who care about clean air & water, it's one of the most destructive in US history.
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Just piling on with more good news today. JFC.
“For communities across the country, especially those overburdened by pollution or acutely exposed to climate impacts and reckoning with the ongoing and escalating costs, this is a horrific day,” said Dr. Rachel Cleetus, from UCS’s Climate & Energy program.

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“Weakening these standards will result in higher levels of harmful pollutants that have been linked to respiratory and heart conditions and premature death, increasing national health costs by billions of dollars.” Statement by Steven Higashide, director of our Clean Transportation Program.
“The Trump EPA is giving a green light for industrial agriculture to further pollute & drain valuable wetlands that currently provide substantial benefits to communities, including flood protection & clean drinking water,” said Dr. Stacy Woods, research director for UCS’s Food & Environment Program.
“This abhorrent move will leave those living, working, studying, and playing near polluting industries, smog-forming traffic & contaminated waterways and soil, with little support from the very agency they rely on to enforce protective laws.”—Chitra Kumar, MD of the Climate & Energy Program at UCS.
MAGAs treat the land the way they treat women, use, degrade and rape them.
So what’s new! They’re destroying the economy, democracy, country and now our planet. They’re like a bunch of Tasmanian Devils but worse.
Doesn’t look like those of us that support the environment can do anything, even environmental groups may be sued. Congress is letting us down. The courts are all that is left.
It makes me furious to think about the gutting of our environmental laws. I grew up on LA in the 50’s and it was very smoggy. Look it up - check out the air quality from 1945 to 2025. The incredible progress we’ve made is a risk. Why? Who benefits? So Exxon Mobile can start doing buy backs?
Old religious white trash pretend deregulation is a good thing. Of course, they almost always have no science background. Usually partisan hack lawyers or people with generic philosophy, history or religious degrees (if that).
let US know how we can help
Here's the practice of critical tyranny exposed.

Senator Murphy lays out the timeline. Everyone must see this analysis. Pass it on
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