20 January 1942 | A meeting was held in a villa in Berlin-Wannsee to discuss logistics and legal aspects of the operation of the extermination of Jews. This is the first page of the #Wannsee conference protocol. Find documents here: https://buff.ly/3WpxY4e
The inclusion of so many Doctors on the list is the most horrendous detail for me.
How do people become so deranged that this horrific act seems like business as usual and overrides all human decency?
Netflix did a documentary (Ordinary Men) and Auschwitz Memorial says they were ordinary people also.
I don't buy it. People with a conscience would never do what the Nazis did.
It goes a long way to explaining how the Nazi's arrived at The Final Solution.
And the life of its chief architect Heydrich.
It could.
The Milgram experiment is a fascinating experiment to study this & what ordinary people are capable of
I will never buy the argument that Nazis were ordinary people.
It doesn't matter if you 'buy it' or not, it's quite simply fact. As continuing atrocities around the world and throughout history demonstrate.
It wasn't just some random small number of people in Germany in one decade...
Deportation was the original plan.
Shamefully Europe, the US and Canada refused German Jews.
When they ended up with millions of Jews in conquered countries deportation was impossible.
They had the same plans for conquered Slavs.
Yes slave labor and starvation was to be the extermination method for the ethnic cleansing to follow.
... Unless Jews themselves are committing the extermination. When so, just move along and try to keep it down.