I miss seeing moose! When I worked at NW Calgary school, we saw a female and sometimes a calf. Parents were okay that we took the kids out to take a look before school. We kept our distance and had the kids sit up on a climber, and a moose couldn't climb. For safety!
Thank you, I’m brushing up on my Canadian, just in case I need to skedaddle 🥴😬🫤 Last time I checked, we called them jungle gyms in the US, but that was a few decades ago. I think “climbers” is better! I’m not just saying that so you’ll marry me and get me out of here 😅 What does “jungle gym” mean??
I don’t know how to search for them, but… I strongly urge you to watch the videos on mooselegs. Picture Bunsen full of joy, gaily disobeying Jason’s pleas to DROP THE MOOSELEGS, and he has to get the thing away from the dog bc it’s disgusting 🫣 so he has to get it with his bare hands 😜😂 True love ❤️
I think there Are compilations 🤞
I started scrolling back thru media, but this could take me a while…. I hope someone can find them! And also find out why the moose are littering their mooselegs all over Canada 🇨🇦 😤
My old boy died last year but the memory of him as a tiny puppy, freshly vaxxed & allowed out in the world is seared into me. He sniffed at a dropped coffee cup, pushed it out of the way, spotted maggots, & instinctively knew to roll in them 🤮
Ugh, 🤣 the best thing in the world, a puppy, covered in the worst things in the world: baby flies. I’m sorry for your loss. He looks very very cute. What’s his name?
Thanks to Bunsen, my phone knows that mooselegs is one word.
*Bunsen scampers away, evade mode fully engaged*
Bunsen!! Gross, drop it! bunSen!
I think we need a compilation. 🥰 oh please 😂
I started scrolling back thru media, but this could take me a while…. I hope someone can find them! And also find out why the moose are littering their mooselegs all over Canada 🇨🇦 😤