I remember mandaloregaming saying this game made him lose sleep cause he thought the game gave him a sickness...first off how, second does the game do it often
Yeah, it's got slowdown but it's about the same amount as on base PS4 (i.e. only in later battles, and it's not really obtrusive due to how combat flow works)
Buy a Switch copy and then pirate it to run on a Switch emulator. It runs pretty much perfectly even on low-end machines. Same goes for Unicorn Overlord as far as I know.
2. Depending on the person, yes
3. Where did he say this because I gotta hear that lmao
also damn i deffos should play this game
Buy a Switch copy and then pirate it to run on a Switch emulator. It runs pretty much perfectly even on low-end machines. Same goes for Unicorn Overlord as far as I know.