Trump and his mafia style extortion tactics, show what bullying and betrayal at a high school level looks like. Starting today a full BOYCOTT of America until trump is gone! Then we ALL must push for REMOVING the US dollar as the world reserve currency! Assignment understood?
#NeverPoilievre is lying again to the Canadian people. If he truly supported Ukraine, why did he not support them when it mattered the most?
Vote #MarkCarney for true compassionate leadership.
Trump is at it trying to use reversed psychology to influence Canada‘s election. By saying that PP is not maga enough and he’s not just like himself Trump wants PP for a reason. That’s because he has no balls to stand up to Trump.
Sign to keep Trump out of Canada as allowed by our laws. Pass it on, send to friends, family, colleagues, neighbours. We need to pressure the government to bar him. He is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and wants to force annexation of our sovereign nation.
Paying the cost in blood.
Vote #MarkCarney for true compassionate leadership.