Amen. Go get em! This country needs you now more than ever. The world needs leadership like you now more than ever. "Those who would govern a country must possess great courage, ability and resolve." Cicero
When you have an opportunity, it would be fantastic if you’d share some time & talking with because their trustworthy & strive for democracy& human rights for all & respect every nations sovereignty!🇨🇦
As PM can you not have a vote that all potential candidates for PM must go through all the security measures, ensure no illegal activities to party donations are made etc?
We can not have a potential criminal be eligible for Canadas leader. Conservatives tough on crime but blind to their own.
You too eh? Ok I got mine in 1992, it was job related. Oh wait, so is national party leadership. What's taking pigeon pete so long to land his? I mean I know it took him 11 years to complete a 4 year degree, but this is a much easier process.
First of all, congratulations, PM Carney.
I am married to a Canadian. We live in the US.
Warning: Canadians must shed all arrogance and prepare for the worst. Now.
Arrogance gets in the way of anticipating, planning, growth, and strength. Sadly, we are certain that the crazy man is coming your way.
Then, by all means, Poilievre does not even deserve to run for prime minister. Who wants a PM who does not want to go through a security check? Congratulations Mr. Carney and I wish you nothing but the best!
Imagine the leader of a major political party declining access to top secret information pertaining to the security of the nation you claim to love and seek to lead …
In US Jail for 20 years for huge fraud and drug trafficking for Colombian cartels….
What kind of "leader" won't get a security clearance?
PP is a shallow as a teaspoon.
Happy dance ‼️
Prime Minister Mark Carney 🇨🇦 ❤️
We can not have a potential criminal be eligible for Canadas leader. Conservatives tough on crime but blind to their own.
I am married to a Canadian. We live in the US.
Warning: Canadians must shed all arrogance and prepare for the worst. Now.
Arrogance gets in the way of anticipating, planning, growth, and strength. Sadly, we are certain that the crazy man is coming your way.
What he got wrong is that America is already a pariah.
USA takes over Canada, Mexico, South & Central America, Greenland,
Russia takes over E. Europe with goals toward all of Europe, including Ukraine,
China takes over Taiwan and other Asian countries.
These goals are revealed in the context of current events.
Must read.